Planica: three world records in one morning!
This season's last World Cup competition held in Planica was a veritable festival of hill records. During the HS 215 event, three jumpers surpassed the distance of new hill record which had been set by Bjoern Einar Romoeren in the trial round. But today, the Norwegian manage to break the hill record on two occasions and with two jumps of 226 and 239 metres, he won the final World Cup event ahead of his compatriot Roar Ljoekelsoey (230,5 and 224 metres) and Austria's Andreas Widhoelzl (231 and 227,5 metres).
Thanks to favourable wind conditions in Planica, the last ski jumping competition of this season was a real festival of long flights: 26 jumpers managed to surpass the 200 metres in both rounds and the board with information about the hill record had to be erased four times in the space of 75 minutes.
Just one hour after Bjoern Einar Romoeren replaced Matti Hautamaeki as the hill record holder during the trial round, the Finn responded with an amazing effort of 235,5 metres. But within five minutes, it was once again Romoeren who added 3,5 metres to his previous result and set for first place with an impressive note of 463 points. Roar Ljokelsoey finished second with a total of 453.9, just 0.7 ahead of Andreas Widhoelzl.
This season's World Cup winner Janne Ahonen paid a high price for trying to replace Romoeren as a record holder. In his second attempt, he soared to an incredible distance of 240 metres but landed so badly that he had to leave the hill on a stretcher. Just after the price-giving seremony, he was taken to the hospital as a precaution.
With 15th place in today's compatition, Adam Małysz failed to move to third position in the World Cup overall standings. He was overtaken by Matti Hautamaeki, who joined Janne Ahonen and Roar Ljoekelsoey on the World Cup podium.
autor: Marta Wąsowska, źródło: own source weź udział w dyskusji: 1