The World Cup event in Zakopane is coming in leaps and bounds. In three months, the WC circuit will stop off at the foot of Tatra mountains. The organisers have already started the promotion campaign of this prestigious event. They have recently announced the prices of the tickets which, unfortunately, are quite high, and now they are announcing the programme of the event.
The teams are due to arrive on Thursday. On Friday, it will be possible to see the ski jumpers at official training. On Friday evening, the last chance to have a crack before the very competition - the qualification round.
The Saturday evening event will start with the trial round, which will be followed by the competition. The details haven’t been made known yet, but the organisers will surely do everything in their power so that all the fans enjoy the event at least as much as in previous years, or even more.
On Sunday, the ski jumpers will continue their strife at Wielka Krokiew, this time in a daylight. Before the Sunday competition, the qualification round will start at quarter past twelve.
Here are the details:
27 Jan 2005 (Thursday)
18.00 - teams’ arrival
28 Jan 2005 (Friday)
09.00 - Team Captains’ Meeting
11.00 - 1st official training(K-120)
16.00 - 2nd official training(K-120)
17.00 - Qualification Round
29 Jan 2005 (Saturday)
16.00 - Trial Round
17.00 - World Cup competition (K-120)
30 Jan 2005 (Sunday)
12.15 - Qualification Round
13.45 - World Cup competition (K-120)
To ensure the safety of the spectators, only about 28, 000 people will be allowed to enter the area of the hill. There will be also two additional tribunes installed above the lower sectors C and D. The organisers have decided to make a very strict ticket controls. To prevent access of intrusers and people with fake passes, the tickets will have bar codes and holograms. In front of every checkpoint, where the ticket control will take place, turnstiles will be installed to withstand pressure of crowds of people.
We remind you about the prices:
120 PLN- tickets for places in sectors with seats
60 PLN - 1-day ticket ("A" or "B" sector)
50 PLN - 1-day ticket ("C" or "D" sector)
Those who have decided to come to Zakopane are asked to click on the link below, as it is possible to buy tickets in PZN (Polish Ski Association) internet shop
The teams are due to arrive on Thursday. On Friday, it will be possible to see the ski jumpers at official training. On Friday evening, the last chance to have a crack before the very competition - the qualification round.
The Saturday evening event will start with the trial round, which will be followed by the competition. The details haven’t been made known yet, but the organisers will surely do everything in their power so that all the fans enjoy the event at least as much as in previous years, or even more.
On Sunday, the ski jumpers will continue their strife at Wielka Krokiew, this time in a daylight. Before the Sunday competition, the qualification round will start at quarter past twelve.
Here are the details:
27 Jan 2005 (Thursday)
18.00 - teams’ arrival
28 Jan 2005 (Friday)
09.00 - Team Captains’ Meeting
11.00 - 1st official training(K-120)
16.00 - 2nd official training(K-120)
17.00 - Qualification Round
29 Jan 2005 (Saturday)
16.00 - Trial Round
17.00 - World Cup competition (K-120)
30 Jan 2005 (Sunday)
12.15 - Qualification Round
13.45 - World Cup competition (K-120)
To ensure the safety of the spectators, only about 28, 000 people will be allowed to enter the area of the hill. There will be also two additional tribunes installed above the lower sectors C and D. The organisers have decided to make a very strict ticket controls. To prevent access of intrusers and people with fake passes, the tickets will have bar codes and holograms. In front of every checkpoint, where the ticket control will take place, turnstiles will be installed to withstand pressure of crowds of people.
We remind you about the prices:
120 PLN- tickets for places in sectors with seats
60 PLN - 1-day ticket ("A" or "B" sector)
50 PLN - 1-day ticket ("C" or "D" sector)
Those who have decided to come to Zakopane are asked to click on the link below, as it is possible to buy tickets in PZN (Polish Ski Association) internet shop
źródło: Informacja własna
oglądalność: (4555)
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