Fotorelacja z PŚ w Willingen - cz.2: Sobotni konkurs drużynowy

  • 2008-02-19 15:39
Sobotni konkurs drużynowy w niemieckim Willingen to niespodziewana porażka ekipy Austrii. We wspaniałym stylu wygrali Norwegowie. Zapraszamy do obejrzenia zdjęć.

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  • anonim

    Dear Sir,

    Good Day,We feel very happy to introduce ourselves with your company,

    MW King Embroidery®Co is prominent name of the leading manufactures and exporters of hand made embroidery goods and machine made goods Air Force Badges, Police Badges, Blazer Badges, Cap Badges, Wing Badges, Squardons Badges, Scourt Badges, Shoulder Cords, Braid Stress Cords, Shoulder Boards, Shoulder Slides, Shoulders & Eppulates, Accessories, Coller Tabs, Bevo Breast Eagle, Woven Items, Bevo Cuff Titles, Aluminium Silve Thred,Collar Tabs, Insignias, Arm Bands, Scottish Clan Badges, Boots, Caps Hats Barest, Bannerett, Hand Made Flags, Machine Sewn Flags, Pendants, Masonic Aprons, Printed Flags, Coat Of Arms, Jewllery, K9 Patches, Large Blazer Crast, Metal Badges, Metal Buttons,Madel's, Strip Ties, Silk Ties, Woven Ties, Patches, Peak Embroidery, Ranks, Sash Baldrick, Cap Cords, Sword Knots, T Shirts, Key Rings, Leather Kilts, Sporrans, Frings, Tassels....etc

    Our 100 skilled workers with their extraordinary workmanship are investing their energies and ideas to develop a new range of products with an innovative & stylistic touch and are raising the standard quality to the entire satisfaction of our customers around the all world. Because of their untiring efforts and excellence process our products have become a hallmark of excellence and standard quality and are shining brightly on the firmament of achievements & success.

    We deeply request you please give us an opportunity so that we can busy ourselves and our skilled workers in your products and increase your products range in the global.

    If you have any query regarding the products, we cordially invite you please visit our website at

    We are too much wish to start a long term business relationship with your Company.

    Waiting Your kind and prompt reply.

    God Bless You!

    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Mr.Rashid Baig
    MW King Embroidery® International Co
    G.P.O.Box # 1521 Sialkot 51310 Pakistan.
    Cell # 0092-300-6127996
    Tel # 0092-524-604647
    Fax # 0092-524-604746
    Web :-
    E-mail :-

  • anonim

    Morgi wymiata xD !

  • vero92 profesor

    Najlepsze to jak miśka trzeba w buzi(Gregor) albo jak się Morgi na belce wydurnia. Ale co on tam robił w ogole?

  • OLusqa bywalec

    śmiał sie i machał rekami. ale za to fajnie zdjecie wyszłi

  • noja bywalec

    ciekawe z czego sie tak cieszyl ... a tak w ogole to powinien byc skoncentrowany a nie sie smiac itd :)

  • OLusqa bywalec

    to zdjecie 079 dobre jest. Fajne tez sa te z Morgim na belce.

  • anonim

    Zdjecie 079 najlepsze ! :D :D

  • noja bywalec

    zdjecie 079 mnie wystrasyzlo xD lol

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